Wow, I'm impressed, it's only been three days and already we have a little seedling poking its head through the soil. One of the red cabbage's we planted on Sunday afternoon seems to have decided to get a head start as it was stood there waiting to say hello when we got home from work today. The only thing I can think that may have caused this unexpectedly fast germination is the fact that the seed tray full of soil had been sat in the propagator for a week before we planted in it, so I guess the soil would have been nice and warm to get things started. Still, whatever the reason I'm impressed. Well done Mr Cabbage!
Changing the subject somewhat, can anyone out there answer a couple of questions for me? It's about those mini cloche tunnels that are appearing in all the gardening shops at the moment, you see I'm a little confused. They seem come in two main types, there's open ended ones and ones with a draw string to close the ends off. Now, I don't see how the ones with open ends can be much use at all, surely they can't retain much warmth and any critters wanting to munch on your crops can simple walk on in with ease. So that would point towards the ones with draw string ends being the better ones surely? The only problem is that I'd imagine the crops in either of those kinds need regular watering since the poly material doesn't allow water through it. The solution to that would surely be the fleece covered tunnels as that lets moisture through (doesn’t it?) but I'd imagine also doesn't do as good a job of keeping the temperature up... So, there seems to me to be no ideal mini cloche tunnel thing, or am I missing something? What do you all use and why?
On the same subject, I've seen various poly and fleece mini tunnels for sale that all have metal hoops that you feed through slots in the fabric to create the tunnel effect. Now, we've got a load of metal hoops that were left on the plot by a previous owner and we bought a load of fleece at the weekend. My question is would my plan of simply laying the fleece over the hoops and securing to the ground with something (bricks? pegs? ummmmm... ideas?) work ok or do the more experienced amongst you see a fatal flaw in that plan?
Next bed to be dug is the root veg one as we want to get some early carrots in it under some form of cover hence the sudden interest in all things cloche related.