So here we go...

It was taken back in the spring of 2006 at a place called Barton Le Clay which is near to Luton. I was spending one of many weekends in that part of the country visiting Melanie in the days before she moved up to live with me in Gloucester and we'd gone for a walk and picnic at Barton le Clay one afternoon. Our walk had taken us along the edge of a wheat (I assume it's wheat...) field and I took this shot of the green wheat against the green hill because something about it just caught my eye. I obviously had every intention of 'doing' something with it and printing it out at some point because there are a few Photoshop'ed versions of it laying around in the same folder but this is the original.
On another note, has anyone else tried growing Pak Choi? I've got about 12 growing on the allotment at the moment but all of a sudden three of them seem to have bolted and gone to flower and I don't know why.
They're by no means fully grown yet so it's not that they've been in the ground too long, I've been watering them every couple of days (unless it's rained) yet they've still bolted like this. I've never grown them before so perhaps I've done something wrong. I did read somewhere online that they prefer the cooler ends of the growing season but the seed packet didn't mention that..
Has anyone got any personal experience with them?