This empty array of cardboard mountains means all the potatoes are now in! They seem to have been sat around the house chitting since the dawn of time taking up space that I really wanted to be using for seeds so it was something of a relief this morning to finally get the last three rows planted in-between the rain showers.
Still no sign of the earlies we put in the ground a couple of weeks ago but fingers crossed they’re burrowing their way towards daylight in their own time.
Ahhh well done. I got my earlies and maincrop in at the allotment, but nothing potato-y in the ground here at the Smallest Smallholding. I should get my skates on really, the leftover tatties are sitting in trays in my living room, having made a trip from the conservatory to the allotment and back again.
It seems everyone is running late this year, I got mine planted the other week, but still no sign of life.
Love your site GOO, I've added you to my blogroll, look forward to watching your plot grow
I have an award waiting for you over on my site if you'd like to come over.
All the best,
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