Up at the plot we managed to get some work done Saturday morning. Nothing too drastic, got a second sowing of peas and mange tout in the ground and we also planted out the first batch of sweet corn seedlings which were in danger of getting pot bound at home. We also sneaked another load of asparagus in (Jersey Knight from the fantastically helpful Victoriana Nursery) which he hadn't really planned but you can never have too much of a good thing.
Most things seem to be growing well, the chard, kohl rabbi, turnips and Swede we planted a couple of weeks ago are all showing above ground. The courgettes are looking a little fragile though, I'm thinking they've perhaps found it a bit cold so I'll keep an eye in case I need to sow some more sharpish.
We also pulled our our first proper batch of radishes which made a nice addition to our salad sarnies at lunchtime.
Good luck with building the greenhouse, it is going to be an experience.
You're going to be busy at the weekend!
The lottie's looking good. It's great when you start harvesting isn't it?
If you have a old plastic pop bottle cut the bottom off and leave the lid off and put it over the courgette plant until this chilly wind eases!
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