Monday 18 February 2008

All you need

Picture the scene, it's a beautifully clear and sunny Sunday afternoon in February, the sun is warm but can't hide the nip left in the air from the frost the night before. You've just spent an hour digging the rich dark soil and you can feel that pleasant ache in your muscles that signifies a job well done. You wipe the sweat from your brow with the back of a hand caked in mud and make for the corner of your plot where a deckchair sits invitingly. You relax into it reaching to the bag lent against it and pulling out a bottle of ice cold water and your lunch. You sit back, taking a long well deserved swig from the bottle, feeling the refreshing liquid quenching your thirst and look out over your small part of England.

Ahhh, life is good.


Anonymous said...

That was a wonderfully romantic picture you have painted of life on an allotment - LOL. Glad you are still keen and enjoying yourself. Just a couple of months more and the exciting bit starts.

Anonymous said...

All part of the joy of allotmenteering! It really is good for the soul isn't it!

VP said...

I'm hungry now :)

Looks lik eyou deserved it!

glosterwomble said...

Yes indeed, life IS good. It's nice to be able to recognise that sometimes, when you come home in the summer with bags full of produce you'll feel EVEN better! P.S I want a cornish pasty now and I'm on a diet!!! AAArrrgghhh!

Matron said...

I know what you mean about that satisfying back ache! You have hit upon a point on which all gardeners will be familiar!