Thanks to this lovely weather, and no longer feeling like death warmed up, I've been able to get up to the plot the last two nights after work and get some work done. There's a lot of weeding to be done (although it's not as bad as I feared which is nice) but I've been holding off on that as I've been trying to get a few things in the ground that urgently needed it.
The parsnips, which had been happily growing on in their toilet rolls in the greenhouse, were the first into their new home on the plot. I've only done thirteen seedlings which may not seem much but last time we grew them each parsnip was so big they lasted two or three meals so I'm banking on then being huge again this year.
The main crop potatoes finally went in too, one row of King Edwards and another of something I've forgotten at the moment. There's still no sign of the first and second earlies we planted a few weeks ago yet which is a worry, but I think I say the same thing every year and they always appear in the end.
I also sowed a small row of beetroot and put some onions sets in. We've scaled back our onion planting this year because pretty much all our overwintering ones survived the snow (see below, just ignore the weeds) so it's really just some red ones we've needed to plant this season.
Because I forgot to take my camera with me last night I popped up to the plot before work this morning to take the pictures for this post and it was lovely to see the plot at a time of day I don't normally visit, the site looked great amidst the early morning spring haze as you can see...
The morning dew was still sitting on the blueberry's....
While the last couple of spring onions that overwintered are now producing some lovely big seed heads...
Roll on the end of work today and then four days with not much to do other than potter on the plot.
That's true blog dedication - taking photos before work.
Hope you're enjoying your four days off at the plot. We've been out for the day today so the allotment has been neglected, but I'm hoping to put in some real work over this weekend.
The plot looks lovely at that time of day. I sowed parsnip seed in half loo rolls today because of reading about it on your blog, and because I am having problems spotting any parsnip seedlings amongst all the annual weed seedlings... Fingers crossed...
I'm glad to see someone else uses loo rolls for their parsnips :)
You've won one of the runner-up prizes in my bird care giveaway. Luckily I still have your address from the nasturtium seed giveaway. Hopefully this will be enough for Argos to despatch your prize to you, but I might need to get in touch again if they need your phone number to arrange delivery.
Happy Easter!
Me again - there's been a (hopefully temporary) hitch with your prize and I seem to have lost your email to tell you more. Could you contact me on vegplotting at gmail dot com ASAP please. Thanks
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