Sunday 19 June 2011

Blackcurrant liqueur

We picked the rest of our blackcurrants yesterday. We don't have loads this year as the bushes had spent the last couple of years submerged in weeds and the colapsed netted tunnel that stood where the new fruit cage now resides. All being well next year the crop will be much improved but this year we had to find something to do with our less then impressive harvest. Step forward Blackcurrant liqueur!

We made some Sloe Gin and Blackberry Vodka last year and they turned out yummy so all being well this'll be a great additioon to the homemade liqueur shelf.

First you need a jar, we used a large chutney jar we had spare, we then sterilised it using some homebrew sterilising mixture but you could just as easily do it the old fashioned way by washing it then drying it in a hot oven if thats easier.

Once that's done we simply add the currants (we froze them first like we did the sloe's last year to weaken the skins) and some sugar and then cover them with vodka and give it all a shake. You don't need to worry too much about removing all the tops and tails from the currants because in a couple of months you'll be straining the whole mix into a bottle to remove the fruit and prepare it for drinking.

Exact quantities are a bit vague, we had about 300g of blackcurrants, 70cl of cheapy vodka (don't waste the good stuff) and the sugar was about 200g. The plan is to taste in a couple of months and add any extra sugar as needed as this seemed better than overdoing it and making it too sweet. Ideally we perhaps wanted a higher fruit to vodka mix but we went with what we had and if it ends up not blackcurrant'y enough then we'll know for next year.

It'll need another shake every day for the next week or so to help dissolve the sugar then it's into the cupboard for a couple of months to allow the fruits to impart their flavour.


Mark N said...

Excellent. We also did sloe gin last year. Cracking stuff.

Captain Shagrat said...

Yeah did sloe gin too last year for the first time, might give the blackcurrant version a go seeing that I don't have that many either

sarah @ roundhillcottage said...

Sounds great. Just waiting for pay day now to get some vodka and we will be giving this a go. I have just started a batch of turbo cider off but plan to get a sloe gin going later in the year

Martin and Amy said...

Looks great!

We did Raspberry Vodka with a similar method and it was great!

Martin :0)

Anonymous said...

I am so going to do this. Cheers from Oz

melsanford said...

Oooooh! Sounds lovely! :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

Karina.Zhen said...

This sure does look yummy! How long do you plan on aging this for?

Paul and Melanie said...

@ Karina - Think I'll give it about 4 months before straining all the fruit out and giving it a taste test for sweetness. :)

Karina.Zhen said...

How delightful! I'm so jealous, I sure wish I had the ability and resources to grow this as well. Please do tell us, if you'd like of how it tastes after 4 months.