Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Quick update...

Just a quick update today, we managed to get the weed suppressing fabric down last night. Weighed it down with the paving slabs we got from Freecycle a couple of months ago and the tubs but it does still need some kind of pegs in it to keep really flat and 'floor like'. It does look better now though I think.

Tonight we'll start catching up on all the jobs we didn't get done at the weekend while we were building it... Never stops does it! 


Jo said...

You're right, there's always something to do on an allotment. Hope the weed suppressing fabric works.

LindaG said...

Never stops. But it does look good. Good luck with it! :)

Martin and Amy said...

Looks great!! ;)

Nome said...


Brian said...

looks super cool.

Sue Garrett said...

Very envious of your fruit cage. I have to duck under netting to pick our redcurrants.

melsanford said...

Looking fab! Love freecycle :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx