Monday, 7 March 2011

We're back....

Blimy, it's been a while hasn't it. I wonder if there are still any readers out there? I don't really know what happend to my blogging muse last year. I did spend over three months on crutches through the end of the summer which dramatically slowed progress on the allotment. However for the periods where I didn't have a medical excuse I can only put the lack of updates down to the nagging the feeling that I really didn't have anything of interest to say outside reporting seed germination and plant growth.

So what's going to be different in 2011 I hear you ask... Well first up, while the main theme of the blog will remain the allotment and all things veggie growing, I'm going to broaden the scope a little to include more of things like our brewing, preserving and cooking experiences as well as a little bit more day to day life to make it all a little more personal and hopefully more interesting.

Also, having recently joined the iPhone revolution I'm now fully equipped for blogging on the go which seems far more exciting than having to make time to sit down and post properly.

So anyway, that's the plan, first proper post tomorrow all being well... :)


Amy said...

Welcome back! Did you ever get that greenhouse into action?

Looking forward to hearing more from you this year - but don't worry Google Reader alerts us to your return after long breaks :)

Paul and Melanie said...

Hi Amy :)
Yeah the greenhouse is fully operational, well a tad empty at the mo but it's ready to be filled with seedlings over the next month or so :)